Long time no good emails! I was on a spending spree — so I had to refrain from looking at any promotional emails in my inbox. Sadly, that’s what emails from brands are all about these days: me!me!buy me! Why can’t any brand has a funny GIF email sequence or something 😉 ?
But, there are some good emails, even though they are promotional. This email from Function of Beauty is one I think belongs to the halls of fame of product launch emails.

It didn’t take the classic, and somewhat annoying, route of “We launched something!” without giving any info on what that thing is. So there is nothing to push people to find out more.
It didn’t take the obvious ‘We launched our skincare line’ route either, which gives all the product details away, often a cut-down version, in the email, This pulls people from clicking through and the brand misses the opportunity to do more convincing on landing pages.

What it did was:
- Letting people know they launched something brand new
- Using eye-catching visuals to keep people from leaving the email
- Reveal just enough to show that it’s another launch that is customizable through quizzes based on personal preferences
- Don’t tell people exactly what the launch is: body care? skincare? toothpaste?
- Make people itching to know more!
When recipients click through the email to the landing page, the email’s job is done. And it’s done well!